Black Friday Deals by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
High End Flooring by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
Scottsdale Thanksgiving Events by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
The Well Stocked Toolbox for Homeowners by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
What Do I Need to Know About Choosing a Real Estate Agent by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
Tips For Choosing An Electrician by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
Tip #5 – Find out about charges for work done Check on his experience and references. New people may be competent for your job; however find out before starting the project if they can provide all the wirings, fittings, lighting and power fittings for the project. – Taken from |
Scottsdale Fall Attractions by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
- 4 pairs of tickets on the F1 Party Bus to Zoomtown!
- 2 All Day Passes at F1 (unlimited racing for a day).
- 5 F1 Race Factory $25 Gift Cards.
- 10 Free Race Passes.
Getting Your Home Ready For Winter by Joe Szabo, Szabo Group Scottsdale Arizona
- Get a routine maintenance and inspection of your heating system each autumn to make sure it is in good working order.
- Replace your heater’s air filter monthly. Your heating system will work less hard, use less energy and last longer as a result. Most homeowners can replace filters and do such simple tasks as cleaning and removing dust from vents or along baseboard heaters.
- Make sure all hearing vents are opened and unblocked by furniture or other items. This will ensure that the air is evenly distributed through the home.
- Lighting our homes can represent 20 percent of home electricity bills and is one of the easiest places to start saving energy. If every household changed a light to an ENERGY STAR® one, together we’d save enough energy to light 7 million homes and reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to that of 1 million cars.