Turn your organizing task list into a set of written goals. “The act of writing gets the goal into your subconscious,” professional organizer Laura Leist says. “Plus, it’s nice to be able to go back during and after the project to see how you’re progressing.” Check off items on the list as you progress through the space.
Quick fixes work in a pinch, but a bigger organization strategy takes time to implement. To make a big project easier to manage, break it down into mini-projects you can do in 15-60 minutes and keep the list specific. “Having to move around or make lots of different types of decisions will wear you out quickly,” professional organizer Kathy Jenkins says. She recommends focusing on one small project and consciously reminding yourself with something like, “All I need to do for the next 15 minutes is sort clothing by type.”
S: Sort like with like.
I: Identify what to keep.
M: Make a home for it.
P: Put it into containers.
L: Label it.
E: Establish a routine.
Organize Items into Containers
Containers are essential for organization and storage, but they’re not all created equal. Baskets, boxes, and bins are best suited for certain tasks. Watch this video to find out which container is right for each job.
Tackling major reorganization and decluttering is a big accomplishment, and you should feel good about it. Maintain the momentum by making it a habit. “Your routine should be whatever you need to remind you of what you’re suppose to do,” Jenkins says. Successful routines are simple ones, such as having a house rule to put things away after use, or tackling the mail every evening when you come home.