Appraisal fee | A one-time fee to pay an independent fee appraiser. |
Credit Report Fee | A one-time fee covering the cost of the credit report. |
Document Preparation Fee | There may be a separate fee covering the preparation of the final legal papers. |
Homeowners Fee | Some associations may require an upfront deposit or dues, as well as a fee to transfer their records from seller to buyer (transfer fee). These amounts vary for each association. |
Loan Discount | A one-time fee to adjust the yield on the loan to what market conditions demand (often called POINTS). |
Loan Origination Fee | A one-time set up fee charged by the lender for their administrative costs. |
Miscellaneous Title Charges | The title company may charge fees for items such as: title examination, document preparation, recording fees, notary fees, and a closing or settlement fee. |
PMI Premium | Depending on your down payment, you may have to pay an upfront fee for mortgage insurance. Lenders may also require monies to be held by them in a reserve account. |
Prepaid Interest | This is a per diem charge that may vary depending on the time of month your loan closes. |
Taxes and Hazard Insurance | Depending on the month your property closes, you may be required to reimburse the seller for property taxes. You will have to pay a year’s hazard insurance premium up front, and may be required by the lender to put a certain amount for taxes and insurance in a reserve account. This account is held by the lender. |
- Structural
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Safety Hazards
- Miscellaneous
- Normally Not Included
- Coverage for your major mechanical systems and built in appliances
- A full network of well qualified technicians at your service
- Your budget is protected against unexpected repair bills
- All of the above for a very low deductible/service call